Senin, 18 Oktober 2010

Rise Up and Look Ahead!

Rise Up and Look Ahead!

For just as the sunset consists of many colors, your life consists of many areas. Areas of blessing and areas of lack, areas of strength and areas of weakness.

Many times you wonder why you're not moving forward, why things are not happening, but child have you considered that perhaps you have lost your momentum? That perhaps you have grown weary and let go?

It is in consistency that lies your answer, not in a quick fix, and as you press on and allow my spirit to work in and through you, the change you so desire will come.

As you allow me to change and shape you, new doors will open up before you, but you have become weary child, you have let your expectations go. You have let the battle to survival rob you of your joy. Now is not the time to lie down in defeat, but the time to rise up in victory once again.

Fix your eyes on the future. Do you see the horizon up ahead? See how the sun rises up and brings a palette of color that brightens the sky. As you allow yourself to dream again, to become positive, My Spirit will rise up within you and give you what you need.

So rise up now child, be like that sun bringing a radiance of color to a grey world and soon you will once again move forward with purpose and power, says the Lord.

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