Rabu, 02 November 2016

Setting the Enemy to Flight

Apostle Colette Toach

Setting the Enemy to Flight

My child, watch as the sun lights up the sky and chases away the shadows that have surrounded you. For the enemy sought to bring you down and discourage you, but his weapons were shadows and fear. He cannot touch you when my hand is over you!
So look up and realize that he has no power over you! You are free in me! In my hand you will find everything you need to overcome and as my light begins to shine in your life those shadows will flee and you will see a field opening up before you.
You will see the abundance and the fullness of my blessing. So do not worry about the shadows or the clouds. For what power does a shadow hold over anyone? Rather they are a blown up proportion of something that is easily stood on! And so the enemy has blown things out of proportion until all you see is the darkness. Yet it takes just a small light to diminish that shadow and that is what I am going to do in your life.
I will yet show you my power and my ability to set the enemy to flight. So once again, cling to me. Do not allow the darkness of the shadows to overwhelm you, for your salvation is indeed at hand and as the sun shines, you will see what was not there before. You will take hold of what you could not before and you will have the strength you did not before, says the Lord. Amen

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