Senin, 01 April 2013


Apostle Colette Toach

Do Not Regret the Pruning

It is only the vine that bares fruit that I will prune my child, so do not get discouraged if you suddenly find me pruning you. It is true that you value the things more that you paid a price for and although you often face trying situations, it is when you overcome them in my name that you will surely appreciate what I have done in your life.
So count it all joy when you face persecution or difficult times, for they are opportunities waiting to happen. They were not sent your way to burden you my child, but to prune you! The purpose is not to take away from you, but rather to bring out more fruit in your life.
So do not compare yourself to others. Do not look at others and wonder why they seem to get away with things that you cannot. Do not wonder why you have to face hard times when others seem to escape these pressures.
It is because I saw fruit in you my child that you are being pruned. It is because I saw the good in you and the efforts in you that I have put my hand on you - not for harm, but for growth. For the moment of travail will be short compared to the grandness of the fruit that will come from you.
So press on forward my child. Embrace the pruning and the pressures. Look at them as opportunities and see that there is a goal to head towards.
As you do this, you will find the strength you need to overcome. You will find the anointing that you need and in this you will discover that greatness awaits. Amen.

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