Selasa, 30 April 2013


Dear Dave,
We all know how hurricanes work in the natural.  We know what they look like and what to do when one suddenly takes form. But how about the hurricanes in your personal life?
I'm sure you can easily recognize those times in your life when you feel pressure from all sides. There are situations that challenge you, circumstances that take all your strength and it seems as if it would never end.
As I found myself in the middle of such a hurricane, and as I came to the Lord and begged Him for a timeout – a little break – He showed me a wonderful picture.
Did you know that it is windless and completely calm in the eye of a storm?
I saw myself sitting in the eye of the storm. It blustered and roared around me, but in the eye of the storm, it was quiet and a gentle rain trickled on my head.
It does not matter what kind of situation you are in right now. I want you to close your eyes and imagine yourself sitting in the eye of the storm. Hear the Lord saying to you:
"My child, the storms in your life will come and go, but do not be tossed and turned around by them. Do not be caught in the whirl of the storm. Learn to find me in the storm instead. Because where I am, there is rest and peace. When you rest in me, you will be refreshed, even when everything around you is spinning around. Stay in this place. Stay in the eye of the storm. The storm may disappear and you may come into a time of joy and resurrection, but stay in this place. Another storm may follow and it will look as if the world will fall apart. Stay in this place. Stay in the calmness of my presence and feel my anointing and my refreshment coming down on your head like gentle rain.
No matter if the problems are many and the situations are tough or if things are easy, just stay in this place. When you learn to find me, not only in the storm, but in every situation of your life, you will indeed walk in a deep peace. This will be your time of rest. This will be your time of a break. So learn to find me in every situation of your life and take your break in me, my child."
When you discover this deep truth, you will not look for an escape or long for a timeout anymore. You will not long for a break from the training the Lord has placed you in because you will find this timeout and this peace, right in Him.
It does not matter where you are right now – seek the Lord. Find Him in the middle of a meadow with blooming flowers where everything is wonderful. However, find Him also in the middle of the problems of life. Find Him in the middle of the Storm.
Be abundantly blessed!

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