Selasa, 18 Oktober 2016

Get up. Keep Walking

Apostle Colette Toach

Get up. Keep Walking

See the mountains in your path and realize that although they look so daunting, that I have created a path between them. For from a distance it looks impossible and you wonder how you will navigate your way through what you see, but the closer you get, the more you will see that I have prepared a way in the wilderness for you my child.
Yet so often you look at the mountains ahead of you and the way looks so impossible that you stop walking. You convince yourself that you are on the wrong road or that you could not overcome. However if you just kept walking forward, you would see that I prepared a way for you! I went ahead of you and cut out a road for you!
So get up and start walking forward again my child. Walk towards those mountains of impossible situations and as you continue walking in faith, you will see what I have done. For it is only when you press forward that you will see my miracles. If you stand around and wait, you will feel lost. You will not see the promises that I have given to you.
So get up! Keep walking forward in faith and as you do, the way will become clear says the Lord.

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