Jumat, 07 Oktober 2016

The Rain is Coming

Apostle Colette Toach

The Rain is Coming

When the heat of the sun seems to have consumed every good thing, realize that the rain is not far from coming my child. For I have seen your labor and I have seen your hard work under the sun. I have seen the heat and I have seen how you have pushed through.
I know that at times you became weary and there were times you wanted to escape that fire. However now is not the time to grow weary in doing good. Now is the time to push through just a bit longer. For although you cannot feel it or see it, the rain will soon come. Just because the sky looks so clear, does not mean it is not coming!
When Elijah looked to the sky, he saw only a cloud the size of a man's fist. This small cloud brought a massive downpour! So do not look around and say "I only see a small cloud in the distance" for you shall yet see what I can do with that cloud. So press forward. Continue to stand in faith now. Continue to work and to push through in my name, for the rain is indeed coming says the Lord. Amen

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